Trouble Shooting

Responsibilities and Trouble Shooting

Garbage Disposals and Drains

– No grease or oil shall be flushed or poured down the drains of dumped on the property. No eggshells, potato/carrot peels, celery, or anything that may plug the sink or break the garbage disposal. In the event a maintenance issue arises because of these issues tenant will be charged to remediate issues. 

TROUBLE SHOOTING - Turn off power and clear any items. Once power turn on and no noise is happening. Turn off again. There is a hex key wrench you can place on the bottom and turn back and forth to loosen items in disposal. Once loosen hit reset button, clear any items inside the disposal and turn back on. 

Garbage disposal diagram

Please watch YouTube video for additional information.

If trouble shooting does not help, please submit a maintenance request. 

Dishwasher – All dishes should be rinsed before putting them in dishwasher. Dishwasher filters should be cleaned out monthly. 

If dishes are spotted use name brand detergent and jet dry. 

If dishwasher is not draining check filter in the center of the dishwasher. 

If dishwasher is still not working, please submit a maintenance request 

Insects, Bugs and Rodents- Tenant is responsible for spraying all insects and Rodent remediation if applicable. 

Outlets If there is no power to your outlets or outlets look for closes power with GFCI button. 

Outlet image

Press the rest button and power should turn on. If not, go to the breaker box and ensure no breakers have been tripped. 

If there is still no power, please submit a maintenance request.

Garage Door- In the event your garage door will not open, you can pull the release rope on garage door and manually open the garage door.

Garage door

If garage door will not shut and door keeps opening, check the bottom eyes to make sure they are lined up with each other. 

Garage door censor image

 If problems are still occurring, please submit Maintenance Request. 

Bathroom Fans- If bathroom fan is loud or sounds different, please clean and vacuum dust from fan. 

If fan goes out, please submit a maintenance request.

Winter prep items

Grass- Toward the end of September/October please mow your final mow at an extra short length. Cutting your grass short before winter helps to prevent diseases, attract less debris, and lower the potential of having snow mold in the North.

Leaves- Leaves must be picked up before snow by raking your leaves, you're preventing fungus, potential disease, and the possibility of grass dying from suffocation. 

Hoses- Hoses must be removed from spigot to ensure pipes do not freeze. If tenant leaves hose on and freezing pipes occur, the tenant will be responsible to remediate damages. 

Thermostat – Never leave thermostat below 60 degrees in the winter. Even if you will not be home the thermostat must remain at 60 degrees. When the temperature inside your house drops too low, the risk for frozen pipes increases.  A second problem with setting the temperature too low is a buildup of condensation inside your home.

Crawl Space Vents- Close all crawl space vents. This will help keep the house warmer. These vents allow outside air to circulate under the floor in summer to prevent the moisture buildup that encourages mildew and rot. In winter, when the air is drier, the vents are closed to reduce the chance that the pipes in the crawl space might freeze.

Extreme Cold Front – Open all cabinets with pipes in them to circulate heat to help prevent pipes from freezing. Drip all faucets to prevent freezing pipes.

Window Moisture-

Make sure that blinds and window coverings are open during the day. Condensation can occur with blinds/window covering being constantly closed. 

How to remove stains on glass top stove 

Weiman Cook Top cleaner image

Cleaning products must be for a glass top. Use glass to cleaner and scrub on a regular basis and stains shall subside. When cooking try not to spill on glass top. 

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